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UWB Lab Kits – Products

UWB Lab & MegaLab

Where the other Kits are focused on a subset of functions (Ranging/Localization or Radar), the Lab Kit is a superset of everything that we do within the P400 series family. The Lab is a bundle of UWB platforms and software tools intended to support product development, postgraduate research, and undergraduate labs.

University Research, ranging, location, radar, SAR, P440, Pulson, positioning sensors
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The Lab has been used for a variety of research activities, including:

  • Development of UWB networks
  • Mobile robotics (ground-based and aerial/drones)
  • Imaging
  • Development of multistatic radar sensor fields
  • Fused radar/communications/ranging applications
  • RF channel modeling
  • MIMO radars

Undergraduate Education:

The Lab is a powerful teaching tool and can be used to help bridge the gap between theory, as presented in lecture and text, and practice, as demonstrated in a laboratory exercise. The more theory can be supported and reinforced by a tactile laboratory experience, the more the student will come to understand the theory. The Labs are being used by MIT, Ohio State, Georgia Tech, the University of Sydney, and many others for undergraduate labs, senior projects, interim studies, and research.

The Lab Kit can be used to teach:

  • Electromagnetics and RF propagation
  • Radar
  • Principles of communications
  • Range measurement systems for navigation
  • RF image processing
  • Networking
  • Target Tracking based on either radar or RFID

Included Software )))

RangeNet GUI and API allow for the setup of simple two way ranging systems to complex TDMA based beacon / mobile location networks. The RangeNet API can tell you the 1D range between radios, or be used to set up a complicated 3D location system for things like robot navigation or tracking.

Ranging, location user interface
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localization, positioning
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Monostatic Radar Module (MRM) GUI and API allow for easy visualization of radar data with various scan overlays that include background substration, motion filtering, and distance to target detection.

Monostatic Radar Scan
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Click to Enlarge

Channel Analysis Tool (CAT) is perfect for looking at simple one way radio links that are easier and less complicated than two way time of flight ranging conversations. CAT allows users to set various levels of integration and easily see the results. It allows users to set various scan parameters, get link BER and SNR figures and other metrics. CAT also has a powerful API that allows for the setup of multistatic radar systems and other custom configurations.

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Click to Enlarge

What’s in the box?

Each Lab package includes ten UWB modules, each with dual-antennas, an enclosure, a USB battery, and a USB charger, RangeNet software, MRM software, CAT software, sample C and MATLAB code, documentation, and 10 hours of technical support.

A special 20-unit “MegaLab” version is also available.

The Lab and MegaLab are available in both standard power (US FCC Part 15 and EU ETSI EN compliant) and high power (experimental operation only) versions.

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