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UWB Radar Kit – Products

UWB Radar Development Kit

The Radar Development Kit allows operation as a monostatic, bistatic, or multistatic system. The Kit comes with two P440 (or P452) modules, each with dual-antennas, an enclosure, a USB battery, and a USB charger, MRM software, CAT software, sample C and MATLAB code, documentation, and 5 hours of technical support.

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In monostatic mode, a P440 (or P452) functions as both transmitter and receiver to issue raw and filtered waveform scans, as well as detection lists consisting of the distance and reflection amplitude of targets within its scan range. In bistatic or multistatic mode, a UWB module broadcasts to one or more other UWB modules to generate a sequence of waveform scans that can be compared over time to discern targets of interest. Best of all, for multistatic operation the units wirelessly transmit a sync signal so there is no need for a hardware connection between the two units.

The Monostatic Radar Module (MRM) software included with the Radar Development Kit helps users quickly get a feel for how radar works. Built in features allow for the viewing of raw scan data, bandpass filtered data, and motion filtered data separately or together. Potential detections based on background subtracted waveforms are also shown along with the distance to target. The MRM GUI allows for an easy transition to directly talking to the radio with the included MRM API for creating your own simple or extremely advanced radar applications.

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The Radar Development Kit is available in both standard power (US FCC Part 15 and EU ETSI EN compliant) and high power (experimental operation only) versions.

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