UWB Use Cases and Research Papers
Creating and advancing ultra wideband custom silicon is challenging and fascinating. Working to create higher performing radios that are well behaved in harsh environments is a fun task. Coming up with new software systems and algorithms over the years has kept our minds going, always trying to do better, add features, and improve the technology. The best part though is hearing from customers about the use cases and research topics were our radios are making a difference.
Applications for the Future
One of the most enjoyable and interesting parts of working with ultra wideband for over two decades has been to see how our various customers around the globe have come up with amazing use cases for the technology and continue to share them with us.
Mining systems, medical systems, more efficient energy systems, safety systems, security systems… Systems that save dollars and systems that save lives. Systems that control robots, systems that track robots, and systems that avoid robots or warn about them… Radar systems, location systems, proximity systems… Through the years we have built some pretty unique sensors, but our customers have put them to use in ways we could not have imagined.
These are just a few of the papers that have been shared with us or we ourselves have written over the years. Please feel free to send us stories, articles, or your own research papers. We would love to add them here for others to enjoy.
Articles )))
UT Austin P440 Study on Drone Radar Signatures
UT Austin P4xx Study on SAR Imaging using drones
Fused UWB using SAR study for indoor nav
UWB Tomographic Imaging in Uncalibrated Networks
UWB Characterization for mining
Indoor Drone Tracking with UWB
Quadcopter tracking with UWB
Detecting multiple breathing humans
UWB for Undergraduate Research
UWB Sensor Fusion, University of Tulsa
UWB usage in high performance radar systems
UAH Senior Project, UWB SAR
UT Austin SAR Imaging of a Windmill
UWB in Mobile Open Infrastructure Network Protocol
Study of UWB device-free person detection and ranging
WPI Research in UWB multi person tracking
Multistatic UWB radar for obstacle detection
Two way ranging autosurvey for navigation